Augmented Reality Headset (2004)
Project in collaboration with Airbus. Pioneered the design and developed an Augmented Reality Headset for aircraft maintenance. The see-through display allows the mechanic to overlap the real environment with virtual information and follow instructions on the see-through display. The project was highly complex in terms of usability and technological feasibility. In addition to the visuals, I developed a working prototype with functioning components and user interface.
The development process started with a deep dive in AR technology, field research with aircraft mechanics showed that there are very complex requirements in terms of flexibility, versatility, usability and ergonomics for the headset and see-through UI.
Throughout the iterative design development process I explored various architectures and configurations with hand sketches, quick mock ups, 3D CAD models and 3D printed prototypes. The quick mock ups helped evaluating different different design, and informed the decision making process. The final prototype was fully functional, and capable carrying real electronic components like a see-though display, a camera, microphone and headphone.